The Campaign for

Where Community is Built
The 4 Ranges Wellness Center will be the central hub for city-sponsored recreation programs, skills and personal development courses, and fitness options. With both indoor and outdoor facilities, the complex will be the year-round site for hundreds of these programs plus pools and gymnasiums, classroom and meeting rooms, and community event spaces for our partner organizations use.
This campaign will be the largest ever attempted in Park County and will require extraordinary generosity. We are also offering donors the opportunity to make pledge over multiple years (up to 5) to maximize their impact.
Overall, the cost of the project is estimated at $25.5 million. Already, two extraordinary leadership gifts (the largest in the history of Park County) have been secured along with tremendous generosity from our board members:
Arthur M. Blank - $10 million
The Kendeda Fund - $5 million
Other gifts - $3+ million
This leaves approximately $7.5 million to be raised from community-oriented, generous individuals, businesses, and organizations who are committed to the belief that healthier people build and sustain healthier communities. Moreover, the location of the center is eligible for New Market Tax Credits. If awarded, this would produce funding for approximately $4.5M of the full project.
This is the Campaign for the 4 Ranges Wellness Center. Envisioned as a comprehensive community recreation complex of nearly 40,000 sq. ft., the center will incorporate all that is critical to the community – a recreational pool and separate lap pool, double-width gymnasium, an elevated running track, studio space and classrooms, along
with the necessary supporting amenities such as locker rooms, offices, and a large community room. This is the new heart of this community, where people of all ages are busy playing, learning, growing, exploring, and connecting. It is where community is built.
Giving Levels
Extraordinary Gifts
$10,000,000 (1 Donation Needed)
$5,000,000 (1)
Leadership Gifts
$2,000,000 (2)
$500,000 (4)
$250,000 (7)
$100,000 (15)
Major Gifts
$75,000 (18)
$50,000 (22)
$25,000 (38)
$10,000 (79)
Public Gifts
$7,500 (84)
$5,000 (93)
$2,500 (124)
$1,000 (155)
Funds Secured
Project Goal: $25.5 million
We have secured two extraordinary leadership gifts
(the largest in the history of Park County)
along with tremendous generosity from the 4 Ranges Foundation board members.
$10 million
Arthur M. Blank
$5 million
Kendeda Fund
$3+ million
Additional Gifts